“Rust in Peace” by Carol Sue Witt
Artist & Teacher
Do you have a way to express yourself without verbal conversation? There’s a universal language in art that is non judgmental and easy to use. I found my favorite voice , and believe me, I like to talk, too, is in painting. With today’s ability to reach people worldwide through social media, I find it’s a commonality all who participate can understand. It’s a warm, friendly handshake from one person to another; non political and well intentioned. I encourage you to try it….Interests Painting, entering shows, teaching, selling, sharing techniques and ideas in watercolor, museum hopping

“Lemon Drop” by Carol Sue Witt

By Carol Kneisley
I am, for the most part, a self-taught artist. I am a successful sculptor, with work in two museums, and in the homes of collectors around the world.
I’ve painted in the past, and resumed my interest in it about ten years ago. My acrylics on canvas are eclectic and realistic. I have focused, recently, on Willie Nelson: his personality and amazing career.
I love doing portrait art, and Willie is my favorite!
Insta @kneisleycarol

By Carol Kneisley

“Taking Time to Enjoy the Moment” by Ash Almonte
Mixed media on canvas
Ash Almonte, a contemporary artist, skillfully blends abstract expressionism with figurative elements in mixed media artworks, exuding an optimistic essence. Inspired by vibrant colors, captivating music, and daring fashion, Almonte's creations are a testament to this diverse influence. Her love for fashion led to collaborations with celebrity stylists, crafting outfits for a prominent billboard artist. Almonte is passionate about using art for philanthropic endeavors and giving back to those in need. Almonte works to share the healing power of creativity through her own nonprofit Hopefully Sow, an organization dedicated to better serving teens in foster care. Crafting vibrant and approachable art, Almonte aims to infuse the homes of her collectors with vitality and joy. Employing thick brushstrokes and vivid hues, she artfully incorporates resin and varnishes, imparting a distinctive gleam to her pieces. Almonte's creations grace collections globally, finding places in major motion pictures and episodes of HGTV's Bargain Mansions, besides being showcased in exhibitions worldwide.
You can view more of my works at West Chelsea Contemporary, Lilac Gallery NYC Artplex Gallery, , Mary Martin Galleries, Studio E Gallery, Thornwood Gallery, Sutton Galleries & on HGTV’s Bargain Mansions.

“Wear Your Crown” by Ash Almonte
Mixed media on canvas | 18x24
Ash Almonte, a contemporary artist, skillfully blends abstract expressionism with figurative elements in mixed media artworks, exuding an optimistic essence. Inspired by vibrant colors, captivating music, and daring fashion, Almonte's creations are a testament to this diverse influence. Her love for fashion led to collaborations with celebrity stylists, crafting outfits for a prominent billboard artist. Almonte is passionate about using art for philanthropic endeavors and giving back to those in need. Almonte works to share the healing power of creativity through her own nonprofit Hopefully Sow, an organization dedicated to better serving teens in foster care. Crafting vibrant and approachable art, Almonte aims to infuse the homes of her collectors with vitality and joy. Employing thick brushstrokes and vivid hues, she artfully incorporates resin and varnishes, imparting a distinctive gleam to her pieces. Almonte's creations grace collections globally, finding places in major motion pictures and episodes of HGTV's Bargain Mansions, besides being showcased in exhibitions worldwide.
You can view more of my works at West Chelsea Contemporary, Lilac Gallery NYC Artplex Gallery, Mary Martin Galleries, Studio E Gallery, Thornwood Gallery, Sutton Galleries & on HGTV’s Bargain Mansions.

“Mount Hood After the Fog” by Beryl Kerwick

“Village in Provence” by Beryl Kerwick

“360 Bridge Inspiration” by Joyce LaBaw
Working primarily in acrylics, Joyce favors bright colors and is inspired by local Texas scenes. She seeks to create evocative abstract landscapes that resonate with the viewer. Joyce has lived in Austin for over thirty years. Now retired from IBM, she currently serves as President of the Creative Arts Society, a non-profit collective of over 100 local Austin artists. She was one of the CAS artists featured on the June 2017 KLRU video, “Art for Everyone” in the PBS Austin art documentary series, Arts in Context. Joyce is a volunteer at the Community First! Village Art House where she helps to run the fine art print operations.

Austin Skyline Splendor” by Joyce LaBaw

“On Enchanted Rock” by William M. Sullivan
I grew up in a small town in South Carolina, went to high school in Virginia, and college in Rhode Island. I spent a year in Boston before moving back to Virginia to teach art for two years at Woodberry Forest School. I stopped teaching because I wanted to paint. I converted an abandoned water treatment plant into an art studio and spent the next 15 years painting and showing my work in Virginia, Washington, D.C., and New York. And then I moved to California where I worked for a company that made dioramas for natural history museums. I painted the backgrounds that were 16 feet tall and up to 60 feet long for the National Museum of Natural History in Taiwan. When that job ended, I got a position making art for computer games. That was a fun job for an artist. I made landscapes that you could walk or run through. It could rain, and the sun could rise and set. I could make a character who could talk, laugh, or cry, and walk, run,jump or fight. During this time, 9/11/2001 happened, and that pretty much ended my art endeavor in New York City. When my computer game job in California ended, I got a similar job in Austin. And when that job ended, I just continued to paint. Making art has been the one constant in my life. I was a landscape artist for the first half of my art career. I started as a plein air painter, but after fighting the elements for years I began to use photographs. I have never aspired to be a Photorealist, but I use photographs to help me remember occasions, and settings, and the specifics of subjects. I have been blessed with happy, loving families and friends. I have lived in and traveled to beautiful places. I hope that I help others see beauty in places where they may have missed.
“Dancing Duckling” by Lisa Hoekstra of JavaLisaArt
As a second generation artist and small business owner in artsy Georgetown, I displayed the art of my family and other artists for many years at Red Poppy Coffee. I am originally from the Midwest, where my mother earned an art scholarship for her painting of the “Mona Lisa”. I am just grateful she did not name me Mona. I got to Texas as fast as I could and graduated from The University of Texas at Austin with a business degree.
While caring for my mother in the last year of her life, we spent much of our time together painting. I wanted to learn as much as I could from her and finally had the time to really paint. We dabbled in Chinese ink but I really fell in love with how watercolor has a mind of its own. With the library being closed for most of the Covid era, I finally had to call it quits in the coffee business and made art my full-time passion.
My favorite subjects are exotic birds, the crazier the better, but I love all that nature has to offer. I look for reference photos that either tell a story or portraits where the subjects have “attitude“. I also wanted to share my faith with my art so I started creating cards, stickers and other products from my original paintings. Art has always brought so much joy to my life. I hope in some small way to share that joy with you.
“Emergence” by Lisa Hoekstra of JavaLisaArt

By Richie Deegan
In Deegan’s rich imagery, landscapes and people play a requisite role. He mixes the spiritual, mystical and dreamlike with the routine and his everyday emotional experiences. His subjects and inspiration come from his exposure to a thriving and worldly existence and the sadness, introspection and vulnerability he is left with as a result. Studying Deegan’s paintings can be likened to standing before a precipice, you are made to feel small in their presence while at the same time you are at one and at peace and sometimes part of the story contained there within.The evocative atmosphere of Deegan’s works inevitably affects the viewer. The paintings exude a somewhat surreal nonsecular ambiance in which time and dimensionality cease to exist. The viewer enters a state somewhere between dream and lucidity and is transferred to a place that is both satisfying and unsettling at the same time. Rarely will a viewer walk away unchanged. Interview with Austin's Eastside Magazine April/May 2017 The End of Austin
Works held in private collections in USA, England, Germany, Hungary, Uganda and Canada.
Currently accepting inquiries about commissioned artwork.

By Richie Deegan

By Richie Deegan

By Richie Deegan

By Sherry Reeves

By Tatsiana DeRosa
I was born in Belarus and moved to the states by myself when I was 21 years old in 2003. I have never gone to art school or taken art classes of any sort. But I was always fascinated by color combination/contrast and enjoyed sketching/designing clothing and drawing models with long hair. In 2010, I felt like drawing my boyfriend’s black cat in the field of unrealistic psychedelic flowers. I used colored pencils since they seemed less intimidating than any other medium , and I could bring them to work and draw on my breaks. My boyfriend was extremely impressed by my drawing and urged me to draw every day. He was the first person to convince me that I have talent and should cultivate it. I created a few pieces in the next couple of years including some of my favorite ones while living in China for a year and being inspired by Chinese culture. At some point I started taking dance classes, then became a dance instructor and started performing at events/shows and stopped drawing. At that time I was also teaching English as second language at a university. In 2015, I sustained a wrist injury which led to chronic regional pain syndrome labeled as the most painful condition known to mankind. I lost all function in my right hand, and could not even write my name. Then pain spread full body and I had to stop dancing and left my job as an ESL instructor. Years of treatment and physical therapy helped restore some functions to my hand, but returning to dancing was out of the question. In attempts to fulfill a creative void, I decided to try drawing again when I moved to Austin in September of 2023. even though the pain prevented me from drawing as much as I wanted, I still felt ecstatic holding pencils in my hand again. So, I created my first piece after a 12 year break which was inspired by a fox I spotted every night on the beach in NJ while going through a very difficult time the summer of 2021. After receiving an overwhelming amount of positive feedback on social media, and people asking if they could buy the drawing, I decided to scan it and make larger prints for sale. I created a couple of more pieces since then and they have received a lot of praise. Last November I decided to apply for participation at Art the Riverbend festival and to my surprise not only I was accepted but my fox creation which I named Bond was chosen to be a poster for the festival. You can find the prints of my work for sale in Healing Vortex and the 3rd Eye Meditation Lounge in Austin. I also like printing my art on tote bags and created a line of hoodies with my art which I personally hand sew with beads. It is a miracle that I can draw again, and I feel grateful and blessed every day.
IG tatsyartist
Email tatsytata@yahoo.com

“Bread Alone” by Bill Tavis
Austin-based artist Bill Tavis creates art with halftones, a technique which is inspired by the mechanical printing process of repeating dots that make up an image. Tavis creates artistic halftones by painting repeating lines that vary in relative thickness. Up close, you see a dynamic pattern, which can be anything from wavy lines to calligraphic text. As you step back, an image emerges. The viewer plays an active role in completing the image and its meaning as they piece the picture together in their mind. Many of Tavis’ newer artworks incorporate Christian symbolism or scripture, reflecting his newfound faith in God and acceptance of the Gospel.
instagram/facebook @tayviss

"Lion of Judah" by Bill Tavis